You only get one change to make that GREAT first impression. Does your website convince users to buy your product, service or message?

B2B Websites
E-commerce Websites
Expert WordPress Development
PHP Application Development
Website Planning
If you are interested in learning more about our web design and development services, you may contact us through our contact form or you may also request a quote. If you would like to speak to a human being like yourself, you may call us at +1 (712) 797-7017 or Skype us at dcgws_internet_solutions. One of our web design and development experts are standing by to answer all of your questions.
Blog posts about Web Design
CEC CROSSWorld: A Website Launching We Will Never Forget
Last November, my wife Paulyn and I decided that we wanted to offer our pastor, Al Termulo of Continue reading
13 Web Design and Development Trends for 2013
The year 2012 really started the big shift to the new trends we are seeing today in web design and development. Never before have people been so connected with each other as they are now. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have successfully altered the way we communicate with one… Continue reading
8 Reasons Why You Should Hire DCGWS
When Paulyn and I started this company years ago, we did so with one main principle in mind; to continually and consistently provide the best service to our clients at the lowest price… Continue reading
Digital art is a general term for a range of artistic works and practices that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative and/or presentation process. Since the 1970s, various names have been used to describe the process including computer art and multimedia… Continue reading
A writer can write more stories but he’s not sure whether all of his novels or stories will become best sellers. A musician or a songwriter can create songs but not all of it will be classics. A painter can paint thousands of paintings but the percentage of his works to become a… Continue reading
Blog posts about Web Development
CEC CROSSWorld: A Website Launching We Will Never Forget
Last November, my wife Paulyn and I decided that we wanted to offer our pastor, Al Termulo of Continue reading
How to Avoid the Pitfalls That Lead to Startup Failure
My wife and I founded DCGWS back in 2007, with zero budget and an old, run-down PC sitting in the corner of our studio apartment. I would spend all day creating freelance profiles and bidding for projects on websites like GetAFreelancer and WebDesigner123, and spend all night studying… Continue reading
WordPress 3.6: Jazzed Up and Released into the Wild!
In honor of the great jazz pianist, Oscar Peterson, WordPress has released version 3.6 “Oscar”; it’s latest iteration of the CMS that powers a big chunk of the internet. Packed with new… Continue reading
13 Web Design and Development Trends for 2013
The year 2012 really started the big shift to the new trends we are seeing today in web design and development. Never before have people been so connected with each other as they are now. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have successfully altered the way we communicate with one… Continue reading
8 Reasons Why You Should Hire DCGWS
When Paulyn and I started this company years ago, we did so with one main principle in mind; to continually and consistently provide the best service to our clients at the lowest price… Continue reading