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Google Mobile Update 2.0: Mobilegeddon 2016

Mobilegeddon 2016 Google Mobile Update

Last May, we were witness to high-ranking websites as they crashed and burned when the folks in Mountain View decided it was time that the internet became mobile-friendly, or else. That update (Google mobile update) was coined Mobilegeddon, and what…

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Change is Coming?

Change Is Coming To DCGWS

Our main offices are located in the Philippines, where the people have recently elected a new president promising "change". One of his main campaign slogans was "Change is Coming". It's simple, and is an extremely effective way of conveying that…

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CEC CROSSWorld: A Website Launching We Will Never Forget

Last November, my wife Paulyn and I decided that we wanted to offer our pastor, Al Termulo of Christ Enthroned Church, a larger capacity hosting account and to clean up his current website. We called him up and a few days later, we met with him at our office. We discussed some of the limitations of their existing site as well as his vision for a new website. During our meeting, it became clear to both Pastor Al and myself that this had the potential to become an extraordinary website. We agreed to pursue the new website and to start gathering ideas, internally and externally and with the help of Marky Alviento, by mid-January we already had some preliminary content ready and we began building out the new site.

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How to Avoid the Pitfalls That Lead to Startup Failure

My wife and I founded DCGWS back in 2007, with zero budget and an old, run-down PC sitting in the corner of our studio apartment. I would spend all day creating freelance profiles and bidding for projects on websites like GetAFreelancer and WebDesigner123, and spend all night studying HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. Oh, those were the days and I sometimes remember them and start to feel nostalgic and think I miss those days. Stakes were low, risk was low, and yes, the rewards were low. But, I felt on top of the world back then as the one-man show that got it all done – and that’s how things were until February 2012.

Today, things are quite different. In less than 2 years, my one-man show has somehow ballooned into a company of 15 employees. How did that happen, you ask?

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13 Web Design and Development Trends for 2013

The year 2012 really started the big shift to the new trends we are seeing today in web design and development. Never before have people been so connected with each other as they are now. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have successfully altered the way we communicate with one another. In being able to adapt to these circumstances, this phenomenon has naturally brought about many changes to the way we create websites. We can only expect this to continue growing in 2013. Here are my favorite 13 web design and development trends for 2013.

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8 Reasons Why You Should Hire DCGWS

When Paulyn and I started this company years ago, we did so with one main principle in mind; to continually and consistently provide the best service to our clients at the lowest price possible. Back then, it was just my wife and my kids, Thea Angela and Tristan Angelo, who helped me provide services to our clients.

Today, my kids are grown up and I am older, but we still hold that same principle close to our heart, and we instill the same belief and work ethic in every person we employ.

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Press it with WordPress!

HTML, PHP, jQuery, CSS and HTML- These are programming languages I usually use to create websites. But, when I started working at DCGWS they introduced me to world of WordPress development.

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What is an E-Commerce Website?

An e-commerce website is an online business store. Despite the financial recession and economic stress, online purchasing continues to grow. Expansion of the market and evolving technology that simplifies our daily lives help to set the pace of e-commerce design. Nowadays, customers want the shopping process to be quick and easy, and merchants want to increase sales by making their stores attractive and popular.

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“This” Property and Understanding It

When a function is created, a keyword called “this” is created which links to the object in which the function operates. Said another way, this is available to the scope of its function, yet is a reference to the object of which that function is a property/method. The this property is used in ‘this.gender’ simply refers to the object on which the function is operating.

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